


Recommended MA Supervisor

Personal Information

Master Tutor

Name (English):Changziyong

Name (Pinyin):changziyong



Contact Information:changziyong@ustb.edu.cn

Professional Title:Associate Professor

Mineral Processing Engineering

Ziyong Chang, Xumeng Chen and Yongjun Peng, The interaction between diesel and surfactant Triton X-100 and their adsorption on coal surfaces with different degrees of oxidation. Powder Technology, 2019. 342: p. 840-847.

Date:2022-04-04 clicks:

Translation or Not:no

Pre One:Ziyong Chang, Xumeng Chen and Yongjun Peng, The adsorption behaviour of surfactants at solid-liquid interface in saline water. Miner. Eng., 2018, 121: 66-76. Next One:Chang Ziyong*, Diallo Lancine, Feng Bo, Effect of saline water on the synergistic interaction between diesel and Triton X-100 in the flotation of oxidized coal, Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 2020, 57, 216-225.