

Ziyong Chang

Recommended MA Supervisor

Personal Information

Master Tutor

Name (English):Ziyong Chang

Name (Pinyin):changziyong



Education Level:Postgraduate (Postdoctoral)

Business Address:土木楼318

Contact Information:changziyong@ustb.edu.cn


Professional Title:Distinguished Associate Professor(Talent)

Alma Mater:昆士兰大学

Mineral Processing Engineering

Chang Ziyong*, Li Fangxu, Qi Xiaoyue, Jiang Bo, Kou Jue, Sun Chunbao, Selective and efficient adsorption of Au (III) in aqueous solution by Zr-based metal-organic frameworks (MOFs): an unconventional way for gold recycling [J], Journal Hazardous Materials, 2020, 391, 122175.

Date:2022-04-04 clicks:

Translation or Not:no

Pre One:Chang Ziyong, Sun Chunbao, Kou Jue, Fu Guangqin*, Qi Xiaoyue*, Experimental and molecular dynamics simulation study on the effect of polyacrylamide on bauxite flotation, Minerals Engineering, 2021, 57, 216-225. Next One:Chang Ziyong*, Zeng Liang, Sun Chunbao, Zhao Peng, Wang Jiayu, Zhang Lining, Zhu Yangge*, Qi Xiaoyue*, Adsorptive recovery of precious metals from aqueous solution using nanomaterials – A critical review, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2021, 445, 214072.