- Professional Title:Professor
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Alma Mater:山东工业大学
Discipline:Mechanics Manufacture and Automation
Education Level:研究生
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- Paper Publications
- 贾志新,郑永波,高坚强. 中走丝电火花线切割一次切割参数的研究. 制造技术与机床, 2016(12):87-90.
- 贾志新,黄金刚,高坚强等. Al2O3陶瓷激光切割工艺研究. 电加工与模具,2017(1):39-42.
- 贾志新,黄金刚,高坚强等. 长脉宽激光切割聚晶立方氮化硼工艺研究. 激光技术,2017,(2).
- 贾志新,汪文杰. 双丝筒多层绕丝线切割机床走丝机构的设计. 电加工与模具,2014,(1):22-23,27.
- Yin Yiyong,Jia Zhixin, Li Wei,Zhao Tong. Analysis of deformations of a machine tools’ beam caused by linear motor’s normal force. 2011 2nd international conference on mechanic automation and control engineering, July 15, inner Mongolia,china, 4751-4754.
- Zhang Hong-bin, Jia Zhi-xin, Xi An-min. Neural Networks Application in NC Machine Reliability Researching. Advanced Materials Research. 2010, vol.121-122, 271-274.
- 张宏斌,贾志新,郗安民. 基于模糊神经网络的WEDM 可靠度预计. 计算机工程,2010(8):12-14.
- 张宏斌,贾志新,郗安民,姜坤. 系列电火花线切割机床可靠性评价模型. 制造技术与机床,2010(4):88-91.
- 尹宜勇,贾志新,李威. 高速走丝电火花线切割机床驱动系统结构设计. 制造业自动化,2011,33(8下),137-138.
- 尹宜勇,贾志新,李威. 高档数控机床中永磁直线同步电机驱动系统关键技术分析. 制造业自动化,2011,33(7上),89-90,107.