


Recommended MA Supervisor

Personal Information

Master Tutor

Name (English):Wangzhenyang

Name (Pinyin):wangzhenyang



Education Level:研究生


Professional Title:Associate Professor

Alma Mater:北京科技大学

Ferrous Metallurgy

Wang Zhenyang, Zhang Jianliang, An Gang, Liu Zhengjian, Cheng Zhengming, Huang Junjie. Analysis on the oversize blast furmace desulfurization and a sulphide capacity predicition model based on congregated electron phase, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2016, 47(1): 127-134. (SCI检索)

Date:2022-04-05 clicks:

Translation or Not:no

Pre One:Wang Zhenyang, Zhang Jianliang, Xing Xiangdong, Liu Zhengjian. Congregated electron phase and Wagner model applied in the study of titanium distribution behavior at low-titanium slag. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2015, 25(5): 1640-1647. (SCI检索) Next One:Wang Zhenyang, Zhang Jianliang, Xing Xiangdong, Liu Zhengjian. Phase transitions and atomic-scale migration during the pre-oxidation of a titania/ferrous oxide solution. JOM, 2016, 68(2): 656-667. (SCI检索)