Y. Liu, Y. Brelet, Z. B. He, L. Yu, S. Mitryukovskiy, A. Houard, B. Forestier, A. Couairon, A. Mysyrowicz, Ciliary white-light: optical aspect of ultrashort laser ablation on transparent dielectrics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 097601 (2013).
上一条:Z. B. He*, H. Tian, G. Deng, Q. Xu, G. V. Tendeloo, Microstructure of bilayer manganite PrCa2Mn2O7 showing charge/orbital ordering, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 212902 (2013).
下一条:J.-L. Maurice, D. Pribat, Z. B. He, G. Patriarche, C.S. Cojocaru, Catalyst faceting during graphene layer crystallization in the course of carbon nanofiber growth, Carbon 79, 93-102 (2014).