Z. B. He*, H. T. Nguyen, L. D. Toan, D. Pribat, A detailed study of kinking in indium-catalyzed silicon nanowires, Cryst. Eng. Comm. 17, 6286-6296 (2015). Advance article, inside front cover.
上一条:Z. B. He*, J.-L. Maurice, C. S. Lee, C. S. Cojocaru, D. Pribat, Growth mechanisms of carbon nanostructures with branched carbon nanofibers synthesized by plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition, CrystEngComm 16, 2990-2995 (2014).
下一条:Z. B. He*, D. Wei, X. Shen, C. Yuan, H. Ma, L. Wang, K. Du, Y. Yao, R. Yu, Approximants of Al-Cr-Fe-Si decagonal quasicrystals described by single structural block, J. All. Compd. 647, 797-801 (2015).