Qr code

Professional Title:Professor

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Alma Mater:Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Discipline:Materials Science

Education Level:研究生


School/Department:School of Materials Science and Engineering

Administrative Position:Professor

Main positions:Director of Biomedical Materials Laboratory


Contact Information:zhengyudong@mater.ustb.edu.cn


The Latest Update Time: ..


Yudong Zheng, now act as a chief professor and director of biomedical materials research center from University of Science and Technology Beijing. I  have been working on biocomposites and BC for regeneration of skin, cartilage and nerve for a long time.

     As a project leader, I have undertaken and completed over 30 research projects including China National or provincial and international joint project. And I have published over 150 papers, obtained over 40 national invention patents. Several achievements have been successfully put into industrial and medical applications, and have achieved the national and provincial-level rewards.

Now,I am theFellow of Biomaterial Science and Engineering, International Union of Biomaterials Science and Engineering.   a council member of Chinese Society for Biomaterials (CSBM), the Vice Chairman of the Committee of the CSBM-Biocomposites Branch, a committee member of Chinese Society of Biomedical Engineering-Biomaterials Branch (CSBME-BMB), a council member of Chinese Society for Composite Materials (CSCM), a committee member of the Medical Devices Classification Technical Committee of China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA), a review expert of medical devices for CFDA, and committee members of several other professional societies.

Educational Experience

  • 北京航空航天大学       材料科学与工程学院,高分子材料(含复合材料)专业       本科/硕士       硕士

  • 华南理工大学       高分子材料       With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study       博士

  • 广州华南理工大学       研究生       博士

Work Experience

  • 华南理工大学材料科学与工程学院

  • 2004.6 -- Now


Social Affiliations

  • 现为国际生物材料联合会fellow,国家药监局医疗器械分类技术委员会专业组委员、国家药监局医疗器械审评专家、中国生物材料学会常务理事 、中国生物材料学会生物复合材料分会副主任委员、中国生物材料学会科技成果评价委员会副主任、中国生物材料学会骨科/神经/先进制造分会委员、中国生物医学工程学会生物材料分会委员、中国复合材料学会理事、中国复合材料学会理事生物复合材料学会分会副主任委员, 中国医学装备协会组织再生分会常务委员、全国卫生产业企业管理协会抗菌产业分会专家委员, 国家知识产权局中国专利审查技术专家,北京食药监局医疗器械专业委员会委员等

Other Contact Information:

  • Email:

Research Group

Name of Research Group:生物医用材料梯队

Description of Research Group:团队组成 郑裕东教授,官月平教授,贺玮副教授,谢亚杰博士后,李涛博士后