ChengjieGuo, Liancun Zheng, Chaoli Zhang, Xuehui Chen, XinxinZhang, Impact of velocity slip and temperature jump of Nanofluid in the flowover a stretching sheet with variable thickness, ZeitschriftfürNaturforschung A,doi.10.1515/zna-2015-0506.
Pre One:Zhijie Chen, Xinru Zhang, Zeyi Jianga, Xuehui Chen, Hongzhou Heb, Xinxin Zhang,Light/dark cycle of microalgae cells in raceway ponds: Effects of paddlewheel rotational speeds and baffles installation. 219: 387-391,2016.
Next One:Shengting Chen, Liancun Zheng , Bingyu Shen, Xuehui Chen,Time–space dependent fractional boundary layer flow of Maxwellfluid over an unsteady stretching surface.Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 262–266, 2015.