ZhuJing, Zheng Liancun, Chen xuehui;Similarity solutions of the MHD stagnation-point flows over apower-law stretching sheet,Applied Mechanics and Materials, (52-54): 1895 -1900, 2011,EI检索.
Pre One:ChenXuehui, ZhengLiancun, ZhangXinxin;Analytical Approximate Solution for MHD Boundary Layer Flow of Non-Newtonian Fluid, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics, 730-734,2009, ISTP检索.
Next One:Chen Xuehui,Wei Liang, Sui Jizhe,Zhang XiaoliangZhengLiancun; Solving fractional partial differential equations in fluid mechanics by generalized differential transform method, International Conference on Multimedia Technology,2573-2576, 2011, EI检索.