Quanshui Li and Zhili Zhang, Broadband Tunable and Double Dipole Surface Plasmon Resonance by TiO2 Core Ag Shell Nanostructure, Plasmonics, 6, 779-784, 2011
Pre One:Quanshui Li, Jianling Hu, Ziya Wang, Fengping Wang, and Yongjun Bao,The resonant, near-resonant, and off-resonant plasmon coupling effects for the bonding modes in two types of asymmetric dimer,Journal of Optics, 16, 075004, 2016
Next One:Quanshui Li, Zhili Zhang, Sara S. Haque, Mingjun Zhang and Lijin Xia, Localized surface plasmon resonance effects by naturally occurring Chinese yam particles, Journal of Applied Physics,108,123502,2010