Lizhu He, Zhen Song, Xionghui Jia, Zhiguo Xia, and Quanlin Liu*,Control of Luminescence in Eu2+-Doped OrthosilicateOrthophosphate Phosphors by Chainlike Polyhedra and Electronic Structures, Inorg. Chem. 2018, 57, 609–616
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- Zhen Song, Zhiguo Xia, and Quanlin Liu*, Insight into the Relationship between Crystal Structure and Crystal-Field Splitting of Ce3+ Doped Garnet Compounds, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2018, 122, 3567-3574
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- Zhen Song, Zhizhen Wang, Lizhu He, Rongjian Zhang, Xiaolang Liu, Zhiguo Xia, W.T. Geng, Quanlin Liu*, After-glow, luminescent thermal quenching, and energy band structure of Ce-doped yttrium aluminum-gallium garnets, J. Lumin. 2017, 192, 1278-1287