
A Smart High-Throughput Experiment Platform for Materials Corrosion Study


  • Affiliation of Author(s):国家材料服役安全科学中心

  • Journal:Scientific Programming

  • Funded by:其他课题

  • Key Words:corrosion evaluation; high-throughput experiment; image processing; materials corrosion; smart platform

  • Abstract:Materials corrosion study is based on plenty of contrast experiments. Traditional corrosion experiments are time-consuming and require manual corrosion grade evaluating during the experiment. To improve the efficiency of experiment, a high-throughput experiment platform is designed and accomplished. The platform mainly consists of high-throughput corrosion reaction facility, data acquisition system, and data processing system.The corrosion reaction facility supports high-throughput materials corrosion reactions under various conditions.The data acquisition system is mainly responsible for capturing the images of samples’ surface, collecting electrochemical signals, and storing them into the computer in real time. The data processing system treats the acquired data and evaluates the degree of materials corrosion in real time by program automatically. The platform not only reduces the occupation of the equipment but also improves the efficiency of sample preparation and experiment occurrence.The experimental data shows that the platform can accomplish high-throughput corrosion contrast experiment easily and reduce the time cost obviously.

  • First Author:时鹏

  • Volume:2016

  • ISSN No.:1875-919X

  • Translation or Not:no

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