


Recommended MA Supervisor

Personal Information

Master Tutor

Name (English):Kongning

Name (Pinyin):kongning



Education Level:研究生


Professional Title:Associate Professor

Alma Mater:澳大利亚卧龙岗大学

Mechanical Design and Theory

Anh Kiet Tieu, Ning Kong*, Shanhong Wan, Hongtao Zhu, Qiang Zhu, David Mitchell, Charlie Kong. The influence of alkali metal polyphosphate on the tribological properties of heavily loaded steel on steel contacts at elevated temperatures [J]. Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2015, 2: 1500032 (1-14)

Date:2022-04-05 clicks:

Translation or Not:no

Pre One:Zhaoning Zhang, Ning Kong*, Hongbo Li, Jie Zhang. The migration and reaction of ions during the oxidation of Fe-Si alloy with 0.5 wt% Si at 1000–1200 °C [J]. Materials Research Express, 2018, 5 (6): 066506 (1-9) Next One:Ning Kong*, Anh Kiet Tieu, Qiang Zhu, Hongtao Zhu, Shanhong Wan, Charlie Kong. Tribofilms generated from bulk polyphosphate glasses at elevated temperatures [J]. Wear, 2015, 330-331: 230-238