Xiaofeng Wang*,Mingxing Guo*, Jishan Zhang, Effect of Zn addition on the microstructure, texture evolution and mechanical properties of Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A,2016,677:522-533. (SCI, EI)
- 上一条:
- X.F. Wang, M.X. Guo, Y. Chen , J. Zhu , J.S. Zhang , Effect of thermomechanical processing on microstructure, texture evolution and mechanical properties of Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloys with different Zn contents, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A,2017,48:3540-3558. (SCI, EI)
- 下一条:
- Xiaofeng Wang, Mingxing Guo*, Yan Zhang, Hui Xing, Yong Li, Jinru Luo, Jishan Zhang, The dependence of microstructure, texture evolution and mechanical properties of Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy sheet on final cold rolling deformation, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016,627:906-916. (SCI,EI)