


Recommended Ph.D.Supervisor

Personal Information

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Name (English):Qiulifang

Name (Pinyin):qiulifang



Education Level:研究生


Professional Title:Professor

Alma Mater:北京科技大学

Mechanical Design and Theory

Xie, Zhongtian#, Qiu, Lifang#*, The design and analysis of a compliant constant-force mechanism, ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2016,v5A-2016, Charlotte, NC, United states SCI

Date:2022-04-06 clicks:

Translation or Not:no

Pre One:Gollnick P S, Black J D, Savage E E, Bowen L A, Lifang Qiu, Magleby S P and Howell L L*. A preliminary study of actuation approaches for lamina emergent mechanisms. ASME Paper No. DETC2011-48350 SCI Next One:QIU L.#, YIN S., SHI G., Compliances calculation and performance analysis of Half Circular-Elliptical Hybrid flexure hinges, 2015 IFToMM World Congress October 25-30, 2015, Taipei, Taiwan EI