Professional Title:Professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Alma Mater:University of Science and Technology Beijing
Discipline:Materials Processing Engineering
Education Level:研究生
School/Department:School of Materials Science and Engineering
Honors and Titles:
2003-2005 德意志学术中心DAAD博士奖学金 ;
2010 北京科技大学实验技术成果一等奖(排名第1) ;
2010 中国高等教育学会优秀论文一等奖(排名第1) ;
2011 南京市科学技术进步三等奖(排名第4) ;
2012 中国有色金属工业科学技术发明奖二等奖(排名第1) ;
2013东莞市科学技术进步二等奖(排名第2) ;
PostalAddress :
Email :
Prof. Dr.-Ing Kai-kun WANG got his Bachelor and Master degree in Dept. of Metal Forming at Hefei Univ. of Technology. He did his PhD work in Dept. of Metal Forming at RWTH-Aachen Univ. in Germany. During 2006-2008 he did post-doctor work in Tsinghua Univ. He has put forward many innovative technologies in the area of semi-solid forming, e.g. Thixo-joining, multi-layer tube thixo-co-extrusion, thixo-forming of electronic package shell with composites, flexible-thixo-extrusion, etc.He has published more than 100 scientific papers and got 12 authorized patents in areas of forging, extrusion, stamping with metal alloys and composites. He is now the Chair of Expert Committee of Non-ferrous and Composites Engineering Center of Gansu Province, consulting expert of CIECC, member of semi-solid forming scientific committee in China, member of plastic forming committee in Germany.
[1] 1987.9 to 1994.6
合肥工业大学材料系 | 本科, 硕士研究生
[2] 2001.4 to 2002.4
北京科技大学材料学院 | 博士研究生
[3] 2002.4 to 2003.4
[4] 2003.4 to 2005.4
德国亚琛工业大学金属成形所 | 博士研究生
[5] 2006.4 to 2008.4
清华大学机械系 | 博士后
[1] 2006.6 to 2008.6
清华大学 | 清华机械系博士后联谊会负责人 | 副教授
[2] 2006.7 to 2011.5
北京科技大学 | 副教授
[1] 德国塑性工程学会会员
[2] 全国半固态加工技术学术委员会委员
[3] 中国有色金属加工工业协会专家委员会委员
[4] 中国金属学会近终形制造技术分会委员会委员
[5] 甘肃省有色金属及复合材料工程中心专家委员会主任
[6] 咨询专家
[7] 大会秘书长
[8] 中国国际工程咨询公司咨询专家