Jiheng Li, Xuexu Gao, Jie Zhu. Microstructure of Fe-Ga powder and magnetostriction of bonded composites, Scripta Materialia, 61, 557-560, 2009
发布时间:2022-04-09 点击次数:
上一条:Jiheng Li, Xuexu Gao, Jie Zhu, X.Q. Bao, M.C. Zhang. Effects of magnetic field annealing on recrystallization texture and magnetostriction in as-rolled Fe-Ga based alloy. 2009, MS and T'09, pp. 115-123, Pittsburgh, USA
下一条:Jiheng Li, Xuexu Gao, Jie Zhu. Texture evolution and magnetostriction in rolled (Fe81Ga19)99Nb1 alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 476, 529-533, 2009