Professional Title:Research Fellow
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
邱增帅,何安瑞,邵健. 冷却工艺对高强钢残余应力的影响[J]. 中南大学学报,2018,v49,n6,p1373-1380.
Li H, Shao J, He A, et al. Numerical simulation and effects of steel strip transverse bending during uncoiling in temper mill[J]. Ironmaking & Steelmaking, 2019: 1-6. (通讯作者).
邵健, 何安瑞,董光德,等. 基于工业互联的钢铁全流程质量管控系统[J]. 冶金自动化, 2020(1).
Hainan He, Jian Shao, Xiaocheng Wang, et al. Silicon Steel Strip Profile Control Technology for Six-High Cold Rolling Mill with Small Work Roll Radius [J]. Metals 2020, 10(3), 401. (通讯作者).
李天伦,何安瑞,邵健,等。基于Copula函数的热轧支持辊健康状态预测模型[J], 工程科学学报,Vol. 42, No. 6: 787−795(通讯作者).
周兵营,邵健,何安瑞,等。热轧高强带钢纵切后侧弯缺陷及其内应力重分布[J], 机械工程学报,2020.04,网络首发(通讯作者).
Hao Tao, Hongbo Li, Jian Shao, et al. Analysis of Shape Control Characteristics for UCMW Cold Rolling Mill Non-Oriented Silicon Steel [J]. Metals 2020, 10(8), 1066. (通讯作者).
Li Hui, Chihuan Yao, Jian Shao, et al. Prediction and Control Technology of Stainless Steel Quarter Buckle in Hot Rolling [J]. Metals 2020, 10(8), 1060. (通讯作者).
Chihuan Yao, Anrui He, Jian Shao, et al. Finite Difference Modeling of the Interstand Evolutions of Profile and Residual Stress during Hot Strip Rolling [J]. Metals 2020, 10(8), 1417. (通讯作者).
刘东冶,邵健,何安瑞,等。倒角对变接触支撑辊辊形性能的影响[J], 钢铁,2020.11,网络首发(通讯作者).