Yu, X.-Y.; Wang, H.-X. How should the center lead China's reforestation efforts?-Policy making games between central and local governments. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2013, 80, 64-84. (SCI)
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- Liang, S.; Wang, H.-X.; Qu, S.; Feng, T.-T.; Guan, D.-B.; Fang, H.; Xu, M. Socioeconomic drivers of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, Environmental Science & Technology, 2016,50,7535-7545. (SCI)
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- 方虹,王红霞. 基于全成本视角的中国稀土贸易代价及战略调整研究, 财贸经济, 2014, (3):80 -90. (CSSCI)