He Jiang, Jianxin Dong, Maicang Zhang, et al., Hot deformation characteristics of Alloy 617B nickel-based superalloy: A study using processing map. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2015 (647):338-350
上一条:He Jiang, Jianxin Dong, Maicang Zhang, et al., Evolution of twins and substructures during low strain rate hot deformation and contribution to dynamic recrystallization in alloy 617B. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016(649):369-381
下一条:He Jiang, Jianxin Dong, Maicang Zhang, et al., Oxidation behavior and mechanism of Inconel 740H alloy for advanced ultra-supercritical power plants between 1050 and 1170℃. Oxidation of Metals, 2015(84): 61-72