[11] Ji-Li Liu, Hai-You Huang, Jian-Xin Xie, The roles of grain orientation and grain boundary characteristics in the enhanced superelasticity of Cu71.8Al17.8Mn10.4 shape memory alloys. Materials and Design. 2014, 64:427–433. (SCI 3.171).
[12] Ji-Li Liu, Hai-You Huang, Jian-Xin Xie, Superelastic anisotropy characteristics of columnar-grained Cu-Al-Mn shape memory alloys and its potential applications. Materials and Design. 2015, 85:211–220. (SCI 3.997).
[13] Sheng Xu, Hai-You Huang, Jianxin Xie, Shouhei Takekawa, Xiao Xu, Toshihiro Omori, and Ryosuke Kainuma, Giant elastocaloric effect covering wide temperature range in columnar-grained Cu71.5Al17.5Mn11 shape memory alloy. APL Materials, 2016, 4(10): 106106 . (SCI 4.323).
[14] Ji-li Liu, Zhi-Hong Chen, Hai-You Huang*, Jian-Xin Xie, Microstructure and superelasticity control by rolling and heat treatment in columnar-grained Cu-Al-Mn shape memory alloy. Materials Science & Engineering A. 2017, 696: 315–322. (SCI 2.647).
[15] Ji-Li Liu, Hai-You Huang*, Jian-Xin Xie, Shuang Xu, Fang Li, Superelastic fatigue of columnar-grained Cu-Al-Mn shape memory alloy under cyclic tension at high strain. Scripta Materialia, 2017, 136: 106–110. (SCI 3.747).