LI S J, CHENG G G, MIAO Z Q, et al: Evolution of Oxide Inclusions in G20CrNi2Mo Carburized Bearing Steel during Industrial Electroslag Remelting[J]. ISIJ International, 2018, 58(10): 1781-1790.
Pre One:HUANG Y, CHENG GG, LI S J, DAI W X.:Effect of Cerium on the Behavior of Inclusions in H13 Steel[J]. Steel Research International, 2018, 89(12): 1800371..
Next One:LI J Y, CHENG G G, RUAN Q, et al:Evolution Mechanism of Oxide Inclusions in Titanium-Stabilized AISI 443 Stainless Steel[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2018, 49(5): 2357-2369.