- Professional Title:Professor
Alma Mater:北京科技大学
Discipline:Geotechnical Engineering
Education Level:研究生
Contact Information:010-62333700
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- Paper Publications
- 章 亮,任奋华,王培涛,赵健存。基于MSR300 雷达监测的凹山采场降雨条件下的边坡变形及滑坡。工程科学学报,2018,40(4):407~415.
- Ren, F.H. ,Guo, Q.F.,Zheng, J.W.,Lai, X.P. Coal-rock massdynamic fracturing characteristics and deep critical discrete range in fault zones 3rd ISRM Young Scholars’ Symposium on Rock Mechanics ,Xian, 2014.11.8 -2014.11.10.
- Ren, Fenhua,Lai, Xingping ,AE regularity of coal failure shear deformation localization under triaxial dynamical loading Mechanical and Electronics Engineering III, Hefei, 2011.9.23 -2011.9.25.
- Ren, Fenhua ,Yang, Zhijun,Luo, Jianlin 。Study on stability and control measures of high-slope at complex conditions ,2011 International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering, Lushan, 2011.4.22- 2011.4.24.
- Ren, Fenhua ,Yang, Zhijun,Luo, Jianlin。Study on predictive analysis on rockmass failure by stereo-analytical method for block theory ,2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering, Nanjing, 2011.6.24- 2011.6.26.
- Ren, F.H. ,Zhang, L.J.,Lai, X.P. Dynamical destabilizationexperimental analysis on deep-seated, steep and heavy thick coal seam in Huating Mine。 International Young Scholars'Symposium on Rock Mechanics -Boundaries of Rock Mechanics Recent Advances and Challenges for the 21st Century, Beijing,2008.4.28 -2008.5.2.
- Ren, Fenhua , Lai, Xingping,Cai, Meifeng. Dynamic destabilization analysis based on AE experiment of deep-seated, steep-inclined and extra-thick coal seam , Journal of University of Science and Technology ,Beijing 2008. 15(3):215~219.
- 任奋华,来兴平,蔡美峰,吕兆海,邹磊,柴鑫,李立波。破碎岩体巷道非对称破坏与变形规律定量预计与评价。北京科技大学学报,2008.30(03):221~226.
- 任奋华,蔡美峰,来兴平,康永华,刘治国。采空区覆岩破坏高度监测分析。 北京科技大学学报,2004.26(02):115~117.