[11] Pan Dan-guang, Gao Yan-hua, Song Jun-lei. Multi-level interval estimation for locating damage in structures by using artificial neural networks. Proceedings of the second international symposium on computational mechanics and the twelfth international conference on the enhancement and promotion of computational methods in engineering and science. Hong Kong-Macau, China, 2009, 11月,448-452..
[12] Pan Dan-guang, Lei Su-su, Wu Shun-chuan. An adaptive chromosome technique of genetic algorithms to identify structural damage,2010 International Conference on Computational and Information Sciences, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society, Chendu, SiChuan, China, 482-486. 2010,12月..
[13] Pan Dan-guang, Lei Su-su, Wu Shun-chuan. Two-Stage Damage Detection Method Using the Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms, 2010 International Conference on Information Computing and Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,LNCS 6377, Tanshan, HeBei, China, 2010, 10月,325-332..
[14] Pan Danguang, Li Zheng, Tan Jinpeng, Gao Hongchun. A Simplified method for Concrete-Filled Steel Tube Column Analysis. 4th international conference on technology of architecture and structure, 2011, 9月. Advanced material research, 2012, vol 368-373: 537-541..
[15] Pan Danguang, Yang Mingchao. Research of three-exponential smoothing method in tunnel displacement prediction. 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Building Materials, CEABM 2012,中国烟台. Applied Mecchanics and materials, 2012, 170-173:1432-1436..
[16] Pan Danguang,Xiong yingxiao, Li Jian. Tunnel support parameters optimization based on micro-seismic monitoring. 2012 International Conference on Vibration, Structural Engineering and Measurement, ICVSEM 2012,中国上海. Applied Mecchanics and materials, 226-228:1495-1499..
[17] 郭泳,潘旦光. 某钢管混凝土结构的地震反应分析. 城市地下空间综合开发技术交流会,中国,上海. 建筑结构,2013,43(S2): 464-466..
[18] 豆丽萍,潘旦光. SSSI作用下结构的地震反应分析. 城市地下空间综合开发技术交流会,中国,上海. 建筑结构,2013,43(S2): 411-413.
[19] 潘旦光,谭晋鹏. 北京财富中心超高层结构弹塑性分析. 城市地下空间综合开发技术交流会,中国,上海. 建筑结构,2013,43(S2):383-386..
[20] Pan Danguang, Gao lili, Li Xiaocui. An optimization method for the determination of Rayleigh damping coefficients on unsymmetrical plan structures. Wang Zuocai, Ren Weixin and Ru Jiping, Proceedings of the 13th international symposium on structural engineering, Beijing, Science Press, 2014: 1903-1911..