N. Guo, C.Y. Sun, M.W. Fu, X.R. Guo. Crystal plasticity based modeling of slip-twinning associated strain hardening for copper single crystal in large plastic deformation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, CMSE 2017, Beijing, China
上一条:Guo, N., Sun, C.Y., Fu, M.W., Han, M.C., 2017a. Misorientation-dependent twinning induced hardening and texture evolution of TWIP steel sheet in plastic deformation process. Metals, 2017, 7(9), 348
下一条:M. C. Han, C. Y. Sun, B. Shi, N. Guo. Strain rate and orientation dependent strain hardening of Mg-9Li-Al using crystal plasticity. Materials Science and Technology (United Kingdom) 2017(1):1-15