Chaoyang Sun, Xun Zuo, Yu Xiang, Jing Yang. Investigation on hot deformation behavior and hot processing map of BSTMUF601 super-Alloy. Matels.2016,6(3),70
上一条:Sun Chaoyang, Liu Dong, Fu Mingwang, Yang Jing. Investigation of extrusion limit of Incoloy028 alloy tube by combining numerical and analytical methods. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2016(83) :177-185
下一条:Chaoyang Sun, Yu Xiang, Qingjun Zhou, D.J. Politis, Zhihui Sun, Mengqi Wang. Dynamic Recrystallization and Hot Workability of 316LN Stainless Steel. Matels.2016,6(7),152