[11] 任超,龚超,刘鲁川.【一区SCI】Task-Oriented Multimodal Communication Based on Cloud-Edge-UAV Collaboration.[J].IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2024,11(1):125 - 136.
[12] 任超,曾楚越,张海君.【国际会议Best Paper Award】Over-The-Air Distributed Neural Network in Internet of Things with Threat Modeling for Replay Attacks.2023 International Conference on Communications, Signal Processing, and Systems (CSPS 2023),1033133-143.
[13] 任超,刘鲁川.【一区SCI】Towards Full Passive Internet of Things: Symbiotic Localization and Ambient Backscatter Communication.[J].IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2023,10(12):19495 - 19506.
[14] 任超,刘鲁川,张海君.【二区SCI】Multimodal Interference Compatible Passive UAV Network Based on Location-Aware Flexibility.[J].IEEE Wireless Communications Letters,2023,12(14):640 - 643.
[15] 任超,侯敬泽,潘彪.【三区SCI】Channel modeling of wireless 3D-chip based on ray-tracing.Microelectronics Journal,2021,105306.
[16] 任超,侯敬泽.【国际会议】Edge Network Extension Based on Multi-domains Fusion and LEO Satellite.Xi’an, China:IoT as a Service: 6th EAI International Conference, IoTaaS 2020,2020,633-643.
[17] 任超,徐慧杰.【国际会议】Spectrum Allocation Algorithm for Energy-Constrained UAV in Interweave Cognitive IoT Network Based on Satellite Coverage.Xi’an, China:IoT as a Service: 6th EAI International Conference, IoTaaS 2020,2020,624-632.
[18] 任超,张海君.【一区SCI】Successive Two-Way Relaying for Full-Duplex Users with Generalized Self-Interference Mitigation.IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications,2019,18(1):63 - 76.
[19] 任超,张海君.【二区SCI】Exploiting Spectrum Access Ability for Cooperative Spectrum Harvesting.IEEE Transactions on Communications,2019,67(3):1845-1857.
[20] 任超,【三区SCI】Recommender system for mobile users.Multimedia Tools Appl.,2018,77(4):4133-4153.