

Ben Guan

Recommended MA Supervisor

Personal Information

Master Tutor

Name (English):Ben Guan

Name (Pinyin):guanben



Administrative Position:冶金机械党支部书记/机械工程学院党委委员

Education Level:研究生

Business Address:机电楼810

Contact Information:niuben57@163.com/guanben@ustb.edu.cn


Professional Title:Professor

Alma Mater:北京科技大学

Mechanical Design and Theory

Experimental and numerical study on ductile fracture prediction of aluminum alloy 6016-t6 sheets using a phenomenological model

Date:2022-10-06 clicks:

Journal:Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Translation or Not:no

Pre One:A Numerical Investigation on the Drying Process of Laminated Green Body Manufactured by 3D Gel-Printing of Metal Power Next One:Model for the whole roller leveling process of plates with random curvature distribution based on the curvature integration method.