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- 樊百林,黄钢汉,金工教学的改革和实践,2000年6月,《中国冶金教育》,P 35—37.
- 樊百林,黄钢汉,知识经济中的金工教学与研究,1999年8月 华北金工研究会议论文.
- 樊百林,金工课程改革的探索和实践,1998年第1期《金工研究》,P9--10 ( 1997年8月 5th CMIT 交流论文).
- 樊百林,山全峰,黄钢汉,王宏位,基于CDF的管道内粉尘粒子轨迹的运动分析,《中国科学家》2015.3.
- 樊百林,李芳芳,王宏伟,黄钢汉,“基于稳态与非稳态的喷吹管内流场的对比研究” ,《工业安全与环保》,2016- 9.
- Bailin,Fan,Ganghan,Huang Hongwei,Wang Quanfeng,Shan,“Study on dust particle deposition movement in pipe of FF system ” ,Author affiliation: School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing, China. International Journal of Database Theory and Application : EI ,20161002078574 .Document type: (JA). 2016,1 V9 N2 P101-108 .Publisher: Science and Engineering Research Support Society.
- F. Bailin,Z. PEI,H.GANGHAN,W.YANJUN,“Research on Properties of fluid pressure Drop for Electric Vehicle IGPT Pin fin Heat Sink ”(ja) International journal of engineering Transactions A: Basics,VOLUME 28, NUMBER4 Appl 2015.
- 杨光辉,陈平,樊百林等,宽带钢热连轧机的板形控制[J],金属世界,2011, 02 期.
- 樊百林,李芳芳,王宏伟,黄钢汉,“袋式除尘器喷吹管的气流均匀性研究”,《中国安全与环境科学技术》,2015-8.
- Bailin Fan,Hongwei Wang,Ganghan Huang,Junxi Li,“Interaction of local members in dust removal system ” ,2014 International Academic Conference on the Environment, Energy and Power Engineering [C], Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17602 U.S.A. Publishing: DEStech publications, Inc. 2014,June,P570-575 ISBN 978-1-60595-184-3.
- Zhan dazhi,Fan bailin,Li wulong,Wang yanjun,“Orderly Dismantling of Engine Crankshaft and the Analysis of Assessment of Remanufacturability ”(JA) Energy Education Sciences and Technology ,Part A Energy Science and Research Volume 32(3). May 2014 EI 20142317785647 sila science ISSN 1308-772x.
- Bailin Fan,Ganghan Huang,Xulong,Yanjun Wang,Pei Zhang,“Research on the pin fin efficiency and structure”(Ja),School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China); Source: Telkomnika - Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering, v 11, n 6, June 2013 EI 20133116555826.
- Fan Bailin,Chen hua,Zhang pei,Dou jinping,“ Waterways structural optimum design of electric car radiator .”. Volumw22 NO 2 Issue 2 June 2012 ISSN 1003-4951 CN11-2862/TP.
- Chen Hua,Fan bailin,“Simulation analysis of Stewart Platform Safety Mechanism”,2011 Intermational Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and NETWORKS,CECNET2011 pp 2597-2600 EI 20112414060807.
- Fan Bailin,Huang Ganghan,Quan Ma,“Analysis and comparison of application of reducing mill by Pro / MECHANICA and ANSYS “(JA). Ei 20124515649667,《Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing》,V 181 AISC, p727-733, 2013.