Baicheng Zhang*, Guijun Bi, Youxiang Chew, Seung Ki Moon, Comparison of carbon-based reinforcement on laser aided additive manufacturing Inconel 625 composites, Applied Surface Science, 2019 (490), 522-534.
Pre One:B Zhang*, L Dembinski, C Coddet, The study of the laser parameters and environment variables effect on mechanical properties of high compact parts elaborated by selective laser melting 316L powder, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2013, 584: 21~31.
Next One:Baicheng Zhang*, Mingzhen Xiu, Yong Teck Tan, Pei Wang, Pitting corrosion of SLM Inconel 718 sample under surface and heat treatments, Applied Surface Science, 2019 (490), 556-567.